Getting ready to sign up for Medicare? Thinking about a Medicare Advantage plan but not sure that’s what you really want? You switched from a Medicare Supplement to a Medicare Advantage plan but not happy with the new plan?
Medicare beneficiaries have a 12-month period to try out a Medicare Advantage or Part C plan. If they are dissatisfied, they can disenroll from (drop out of) the plan anytime during that period, prior to the one-year anniversary of the effective date. They can return to Original Medicare, and still, have a guaranteed issue right to purchase a Medicare Supplement (Medigap) policy. The Medigap insurance company cannot deny you coverage, no matter your health status or health history.
Beneficiaries are eligible for this trial period in one of two situations:
- They joined a Medicare Advantage plan when first eligible for Medicare at age 65.
- They signed up for Original Medicare with a Medigap policy but then switched to a Medicare Advantage plan. The trial period applies only to the first time they drop a Medigap policy to switch to a Medicare Advantage plan.
Example: Hassan’s wife, Vera, opted for Original Medicare and a Medigap policy at age 65 but then, at age 70, switched to a Medicare Advantage plan during Open Enrollment in 2017. That switch became effective January 1, 2018. Her trial period will start from January 1 to December 31, 2018.
NOTE: Your rights may last for an extra 12 months under certain circumstances. If you think you want to switch back, call for more information.